Example output from sigtrace:
$ cat mysigs.5.sigs | ./sigtrace.pl FAEBD5FC 0E9FF879 mysigs.5 Data loaded, tracing.... level:0 keys:1 level:1 keys:17 level:2 keys:112 level:3 keys:136 level:4 keys:1 4 hop path: FAEBD5FC 51DBA39C 9E22EA50 80675E65 0E9FF879 pub 1024D/FAEBD5FC 1997-04-07 Philip R. Zimmermann <prz@pgp.com> pub 1024D/51DBA39C 1997-05-21 Noah Dibner Salzman <noah@pgp.com> pub 1024D/9E22EA50 1997-06-07 tim holmes <shortstop@apple.com> pub 1024D/80675E65 1997-07-30 Leonard D. Rosenthol <leonardr@lazerware.com> pub 1024D/0E9FF879 2000-09-05 Darxus <Darxus@ChaosReigns.com> Checked 267 keys.
This graph shows paths connecting us to the following:
Linux Kernel Archives | ||
Linus Torvalds | Creator of Linux | |
Wichert Akkerman | Major Debian guy | |
Steve Wozniak | Apple | |
Philip R. Zimmermann | Creator of PGP | |
Eric S. Raymond | open-source evangelist | |
CERT | Internet security stuff | |
Werner Koch | Creator of GPG | |
Theodore Y. Ts'o | ext2 (Linux) filesystem | (Found by Bill Jonas) |